The AVLTreeSet<T> class is a navigable key set backed by an AVL binary tree. It is an automatically sorted set inspired by Java’s TreeSet<E> class, created because C#’s native SortedSet<T> lacks key trawling and searching methods.

Type parameters

  • T: The type of elements stored in the set.


This class contains six constructor overloads:

  • ()
  • (IComparer<T>)
  • (Comparison<T>)
  • (IEnumerable<T>)
  • (IEnumerable<T>, IComparer<T>)
  • (IEnumerable<T>, Comparison<T>)

The parameters of these constructors are as follows:

  • IEnumerable<T> elems: The elements with which to pre-populate the set. Overloads that don’t have this parameter create an empty AVLTreeSet.
  • IComparer<T> comparer or Comparison<T> comparer: The comparer or function that compares the elements of this set. Overloads that don’t have either of these parameters use T’s naturel comparer, and throw an InvalidOperationException if T isn’t naturally comparable.



int - Gets the number of elements in this AVLTreeSet<T>.


bool - Gets whether or not this AVLTreeSet<T> is read-only (which is always false).


Empty check

The IsEmpty() method simply returns true iff the AVLTreeSet<T> contains no elements, and false otherwise.

Nearby items

The SearchAround(T) method takes any value T for the parameter value, and returns a NodeTriplet<T> with the requested value, the next-lower entry in the set, and the next-higher entry in the set (if the AVLTreeSet<T> contains them, respectively).

Through the INavigableSet<T> interface, AVLTreeSet<T> implements several methods for getting values higher or lower than a given value.

For all of these methods:

  • “lowest” refers to the lowest value in the set.
  • “lower” refers to the highest value less than the given value.
  • “floor” refers to the highest value less than or equal to the given value.
  • “ceiling” refers to the lowest value greater than or equal to the given value.
  • “higher” refers to the lowest value greater than the given value.
  • “highest” refers to the highest value in the set.
  • “a relative value” just refers to whichever of those is applicable to the particular methods in question.

Contains relative value

The methods ContainsLower, ContainsFloor, ContainsCeiling, and ContainsHigher are all bools.

These methods all have one parameter, T from, which is the value relative to which another should be found.

They return true iff such a relative value exists, and false otherwise.

Try get relative value

The methods TryGetLower, TryGetFloor, TryGetCeiling, and TryGetHigher are all bools.

These methods have two parameters:

  • T from - The value relative to which another should be found.
  • out T value - When the method returns true, this contains the found value. When the method returns false, this contains default(T).

They return true iff such a relative value exists, as well as setting value to that value, and false otherwise.

Get relative value

The methods Lower, Floor, Ceiling, and Higher all directly get a relative value.

All of these methods have one parameter, T from, which is the value relative to which another should be found.

They return a T which is that relative value.

If the relative value doesn’t exist, these methods throw an exception:

  • InvalidOperationException: If the AVLTreeSet<T> is empty.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException: If there is no such relative value.

Get bounding values

The methods LowestValue and HighestValue return the bounding values of the set.

Both of these methods are parameterless, and return a T which is that bounding entry.

If the AVLTreeSet<T> is empty, an InvalidOperationException is thrown.

Google Code methods

These methods were included with the original entry on Google Code:

  • bool Delete(T arg) - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains arg, removes it from the set and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
  • bool DeleteMax() - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains any values, removes the lowest one and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
  • bool DeleteMin() - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains any values, removes the highest one and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
  • int GetHeightLogN() - Returns the height of the tree.
  • bool GetMax(out T value) - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains any values, sets value to the highest value and returns true. Otherwise, sets value to default(T) and returns false.
  • bool GetMin(out T value) - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains any values, sets value to the lowest value and returns true. Otherwise, sets value to default(T) and returns false.
  • void Print() - Writes this instance’s data using Console.Write and Console.WriteLine.
  • void ReplaceValue(T from, T to) - If the AVLTreeSet<T> contains from, replaces it with to. Throws an InvalidOperationException if the AVLTreeSet<T> doesn’t contain from, or an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if to is lower than Lower(from) or higher than Higher(from).

Standard Set methods

These behave in a similar manner to other ISet<T> implementations and will just be summarized here:

  • bool Add(T arg) - If arg isn’t already in the set, adds it and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
  • void ICollection<T>.Add(T arg) - If arg isn’t already in the set, adds it. Otherwise, does nothing.
  • void Clear() - Clears the AVLTreeSet<T>.
  • bool Contains(T arg) - Returns true iff the AVLTreeSet<T> contains arg and false otherwise.
  • void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) - Copes the elements of the AVLTreeSet<T> into an array.
  • void ExceptWith(IEnumerable<T> elems) - Removes all elements from the AVLTreeSet<T> that are also in elems.
  • IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() - Gets an enumerator over the elements of the AVLTreeSet<T>.
  • IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() - Gets a typeless enumerator over the elements of the AVLTreeSet<T>.
  • void IntersectWith(IEnumerable<T> elems) - Removes all elements from the AVLTreeSet<T> that are not also in elems.
  • bool IsProperSubsetOf(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> is a proper subset of other; that is, all elements of this set are also in other, and there are some elements of other that are not in this set.
  • bool IsProperSupersetOf(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> is a proper superset of other; that is, all elements of other are also in this set, and there are some elements of this set that are not in other.
  • bool IsSubsetOf(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> is a subset of other; that is, all elements of this set are also in other.
  • bool IsSupersetOf(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> is a superset of other; that is, all elements of other are also in this set.
  • bool Overlaps(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> overlaps other; that is, the two sets have any elements in common.
  • bool Remove(T item) - If item is part of this AVLTreeSet<T>, removes it and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
  • bool SetEquals(IEnumerable<T> other) - Returns true iff this AVLTreeSet<T> contains exactly the same set of items as other. Otherwise, returns false.
  • void SymmetricExceptWith(IEnumerable<T> elems) - Removes all elements from this AVLTreeSet<T> that are in elems, and adds all elements from elems that are not in this AVLTreeSet<T>.
  • void UnionWith(IEnumerable<T> elems) - Adds all elements from elems to this AVLTreeSet<T> that are not already in it.