The NodeTriplet<T> class is a class instantiated by the following methods:

  • AVLTreeDictionary<K, V>.EntriesAround(K key) creates a NodeTriplet<KeyValuePair<K, V>>.
  • AVLTreeDictionary<K, V>.KeysAround(K key) creates a NodeTriplet<K>.
  • AVLTreeSet<T>.SearchAround(T value) creates a NodeTriplet<T>.

When created, it will contain:

  • A lesser value, if the set/dictionary has a value/key lower than the one provided.
  • An equal value, if the set/dictionary has a value/key equal to the one provided.
  • A higher value, if the set/dictionary has a value/key higher than the one provided.

If the set/dictionary has no entries, then this will contain no values.

Type Parameters

  • T: The type of values contained in this NodeTriplet<T>.


  • bool HasLesserValue - true iff the NodeTriplet<T> contains a lesser value.
  • bool HasEqualValue - true iff the NodeTriplet<T> contains an equal value.
  • bool HasHigherValue - true iff the NodeTriplet<T> contains a higher value.
  • T LesserValue - If the NodeTriplet<T> contains a lesser value, this retrieves that value. Otherwise, it throws an InvalidOperationException.
  • T EqualValue - If the NodeTriplet<T> contains an equal value, this retrieves that value. Otherwise, it throws an InvalidOperationException.
  • T HigherValue - If the NodeTriplet<T> contains a higher value, this retrieves that value. Otherwise, it throws an InvalidOperationException.