A simple one-way substitution cipher.

Instances of the Cipher class can be used for multi-character substitutions including swaps and cycles.

public class Cipher


There is only one constructor overload, which creates a new Cipher.

The two parameters should be the same length. For each position i in the strings, the character src[i] becomes the character trg[i] when the Cipher is applied.


  • string src - The characters that are converted from.
  • string trg - The characters that are converted to.



Cipher - Gets the reverse of this Cipher, which is the same as this Cipher but with its Source and Target strings swapped.


bool - Gets whether or not the Cipher is reversible.

A Cipher is said to be Reversible iff all of the following apply:

  • Every Source character maps to exactly one Target character.
  • Every Target character has exactly one Source character mapped to it.
  • Every Target character is also a Source character.
  • No Source character maps to null.


string - Gets the source string of the Cipher.


string - Gets the target string of the Cipher.



string - Applies the Cipher to a string. Within the input string, any character matching a character in the source string is replaced with a character in the same position in the target string.


  • string input - The string to cipher.

Returns: The ciphered string.