Provides utilities for working with or converting numbers.

public static class NumberUtils

Static methods


int - Converts a character, which is a digit in any base of greater value than that digit, to its base 10 int value.

This method doesn’t take a base parameter because the base doesn’t alter the value of the digit. For example, c has value 12 whether it’s expressed in base 13 or 33.


  • char chr - The character to convert.

Returns: The character as converted.


A - Returns the greatest common divisor (or greatest common factor) of two numbers.

Type parameters:

  • A - Not truly a type parameter. Instead, it is a stand-in here for int or long.


  • A a - One of the two numbers for which to find the GCD.
  • A b - The other number for which to find the GCD.

HasAllBits(int, int)

bool - Returns true iff the source number has all of the target bits.

Specifically, returns src & trg == trg.

Special case: If trg is 0, returns src == 0.


  • int src - The source number
  • int trg - The target number

Returns: See above.

HasAnyBits(int, int)

bool - Returns true iff the source number has any of the target bits.

Specifically, returns src & trg != 0.

Special case: If trg is 0, returns src != 0.


  • int src - The source number
  • int trg - The target number

Returns: See above.


char - Converts an integer to a character representing a digit of the given value in any higher base.

This method doesn’t take a base parameter because the base doesn’t alter the value of the digit. For example, c has value 12 whether it’s expressed in base 13 or 33.


  • int i - The integer to convert.

Returns: The integer as converted.

IntToLeadingZeroString(int, int)

string - Converts an int to a bijective number.

A bijective number is a sequence in which numbers which start with zero are distinct from numbers which do not. For example, base 10 would count as follows: 0, 1, 2, ..., 9, 00, 01, ..., 09, 10, 11, ..., 99, 000, 001, ...

For bijective numbers, base 1 is a valid base (0, 00, 000, ...). The highest valid base is 36.

This method was already named IntToLeadingZeroString when I found out about the term “bijective number”, and thus kept that name for compatibility.


  • int input - The int which should be converted.
  • int bs - The base to which to convert the number (between 1 and 36).

Returns: The number as converted.

IntToString(int, int)

string - Converts an int to a string in an arbitrary base.


  • int input - The int which should be converted.
  • int bs - The base to which to convert the number (between 2 and 36).

Returns: The number as converted.

LCM(long, long)

long - Returns the least common multiple of two numbers.


  • long a - One number out of two for the operation.
  • long b - The other number for the operation.

Returns: The least common multiple of a and b.

LeadingZeroStringToInt(string, int)

int - Converts a bijective number to an int.

See IntToLeadingZeroString() above for information on bijective numbers.

This method was already named LeadingZeroStringToInt when I found out about the term “bijective number”, and thus kept that name for compatibility.


  • string input - The string which should be converted.
  • int bs - The base from which to convert the number (between 1 and 36).

Returns: The number as converted.

NNMod(A, A)

A - Returns the non-negative modulus of division of n by d.

Type parameters:

  • A - Not truly a type parameter. Instead, it is just a stand-in here for int, long, float, double, or decimal.


  • A n - The numerator of this division.
  • A d - The denominator of this division.

Return: The modulus of dividing n by d. If either is negative, a positive modulus is still returned.


  • int NNMod(int, int)
  • long NNMod(long, long)
  • float NNMod(float, float)
  • double NNMod(double, double)
  • decimal NNMod(decimal, decimal)

StringToInt(string, int)

int - Converts a string in an arbitrary base to an int.


  • string str - The string which should be converted.
  • int bs - The base from which to convert the number (between 2 and 36).

Returns: The number as converted.